So whats up ppls.. yeap.. after spending my 3 weeks at MHS.. its holiday again for me.. gonna plan something fun to do during these 2 weeks time.. and not to forget revision on my studies... thats what doraemon told us this morning.. he damn cute la.. And dont worry I wont let him down.. Cause I'm a good boy.. :) k move on.. I had started my crazy maths tuition last week. 4 days a week.. oh my.. nvm.. I will arrange my time properly this time.. So.. talk about school life.. MHS is fun.. especially with those crazy classmates.. they are a little bit shy shy... I think they havent warm up yet.. lol.. after holiday everyone should be alright.. Tomorrow is Saturday.. I still need to go back to my school.. Thats something crazy going to happen tomorrow... stay tune at my blog know about it.. I had my first assembly this morning.. Mr.Chong was shouting all the way.. Like a mad dog? I do no.. you can ask the others yourself.. Shanwayne joined us at MHS for a day.. he was lucky that not to be catch for the whole day.. and today is my dad's birthday... So Happy Birthday old man! :)this photo was taken by Yeo Ah Peng.. thats my Form 6 Diciplin teacher's tie..
Looks nice isnt it? haha.. XD
*~TeRrY~*Some how I think that Mr.Chong is practising nazisme in MHS..