August 19, 2008

Eat this..

For a long time.. Banana Leaf Rice have been one of a traditional dishes for the Indians and thanks to Terrence for introducing me this wonderful food today.. This is the 1st time I have Banana Leaf Rice and it tasted sensational.. XD
Ok.. this restaurant is called Restaurant Vazhai Elai or in English known as Banana Leaf Restaurant..

so ok.. after you ordered the food... the waiter will put a banana leaf infront of you and the banana leaf will act as your plate for you to put on your food..

after that the rice will come by..

follow with some dishes..


Terrence looks satisfied with his meal..

ok.. this place here is extremely clean and the service is good.. The best is that it doesnt charge you a single cent of customer service.. XD
It cost me RM13 for everything.. this can consider as cheap for banana leaf rice.. because the normal price is much more expensive than this..

Samy Vellu had been here before too...



1 comment:

Falcon said...

LOL...thats funny!!